Tuesday, July 22, 2008

People would do anything to get rid of stuff they don't want...

People whether we admit it or not we like stuff, whatever kind of stuff it is gadgets, widgets, bags, shoes, keychains...everyone has a collection of sorts and then there are some who are just plain pack rats. They go out and buy whatever they fancy...use them and then keep them when they're tired of it or until something new comes along. Which in turn becomes a bigger problem getting rid of the junk you've accumulated due to an impulse buy.

My friends say that why you have ebay, bid sites and forum that have for sale sections which help people sell and move those stuff...yeah true and it creates fodder for folks like Jay Leno and company to have actual segments of their show dedicated to featuring people selling all kinds of weird crap for a ridiculous amount of money. We laugh our head out because we know that somewhere out there, there is an idiot waiting to buy this shit.

There are people who would tag their ad "For Sale Almost Brand New Cellphone, Used 2 days". Really how can something be "almost" brand new, the moment you opening the packaging it's used. Haven't these people ever gone to a store before...some items have it clearly printed "VOID IF SEAL IS BROKEN" that is supposed to tell you something right there. Whoever falls for this ploy is severely underinformed or is missing a screw.

These sellers even have the gall to give you a guarantee to give your money back if what they sell doesn't work but when you do come back to collect on that guarantee quite a number of them do suddenly disappear from the face of the earth. As earth opened up and swallowed them, and for those of who experienced this surely wish they were.

To date, in my few instances of being able to actually surf (I need a life outside of work), I found probably one of the more twisted things a person would sell...

"FS: Philips SHE 9500 in-ear headset(USED)
« on: July 21, 2008, 05:33:43 AM »
Quote Split Topic
used only for 3months...good condition..includes pouch, earbuds and earphones... good sound quality... looks like this:

selling for P800 add 100 for shipping
txt me at 0915*******"

I removed the contact details for the person's own good. COME ON! Are you retared or just nucking futs...selling in-ear headsets. Anyone who would want to buy this would also be equally out of their mind. Just imagine you plugging into your ear the same silicon earbuds that another person used because I'm sure as hell there is no assurance that, that person did not use the other earbuds as well. I'll stay way clear off ads like this unless I want to risk my hygiene and health just like that...and reason I'm hardcore that way.

So this is what I think at the end of all of this...people should really think about what they're buying...in an era of endless consumerism we accumulate too much material things and when the time comes we need to get rid of them, we unwittingly make it other people's problem. To me it's about just sticking to the basics buy what you need, not what you want. If you really think about it your not taking it anywhere when your dead.

Nuff said.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Beyond all sense and comprehension I finally caved...yes I've finally started a blog.

Apparently as any shrink would tell you keeping things to yourself would be detrimental to your health but I've always reasoned out that what drinking sessions with friends are for. Then as you mature (euphemism for growing older), you realize that not a lot of things that need to be said gets said while in a drunken stupor. I guess this is simply because your mother tongue now strictly becomes your second language and you become fluent in "drunkenese" (I give credit to Robin Williams for coining this term).

As I sit here and write my first entry to my blog, I realize more the beauty of the written word. Words have power and emotion, just like pictures. But unlike a photograph, where at times the nuances can be lost depending on who views it, words have a way of putting things right in your face.

I am not a lyrical writer nor do I lean to the poetic which is great (for me at least), as I intend to use this avenue of expression to air my thoughts, share my emotions, rant, rave and just simply set into words what I feel, think or care to express. If your opinion differs from mine; wonderful you are entitled to it. If you feel the need to give me advice, great I can always choose to not take it. If you think I am wrong, don't lose sleep over it coz it's me on the line and not you.

If you find what I write to be interesting...thanks. If you need my opinion on something then ask, hopefully I'm in the right state of mind when I give you an answer.

So there...nuff said.